CH: LAST CALL: All Chocolate Bunny money is due tomorrow, Tuesday, March 12.
about 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH: Chocolate Bunnies are on sale NOW! Forms were sent home last week. Forms and money are due by March 11th. The class that sales the most bunnies will win an ice cream party.
about 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH:Your invited to come and READ with your child tomorrow,Friday, March 1, from 9:30-10:30.
about 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH: Due to the road conditions in OKC, Carriage Hills 4th/5th graders will NOT be attending the ballgame today.
about 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH:Tomorrow is our Valentine's Day Dance.(PK-2 1:15-2)(3-5 2:15-3) Dance is Free/There will be a concession stand, everything is $1.00. Free Dress Day!
about 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH: Tomorrow is Valentines Picture Day, cost is $5.00. Free Dress
about 5 years ago, Karen Traylor
CH: Don't forget, Thursday, Feb. 7, is Valentine Picture Day. Cost $5.00.
about 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH: Tomorrow is FESTIVE Hat Day! Wear your FESTIVE hat.
over 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH: Festive Week-Mon. Wear Festive Socks-Tues. Wear Festive Hat-Wed Wear your PJ's
over 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH: Tomorrow is the LAST day for the SANTA SHOP, everything will be half price!
over 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH: Winter Program is tomorrow at 2 and 6:30. 3rd and 4th are performing.
over 5 years ago, Karen Traylor
CH: SANTA SHOP is still going on-Do not forget your money.
over 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH: Don't forget your money for SANTA SHOP!
over 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH: SANTA SHOP is coming! Students may bring money all next week.
over 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH:Last call for Holiday Pictures! Send in your $5.00 tomorrow, Friday. All pictures will be sent home next week.
over 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
CH: It is not to late to have your Holiday Picture taken! Bring $5.00 tomorrow. Thursday-FREE DRESS
over 5 years ago, Karen Traylor
CH: If you forgot about Holiday Pictures today, no worries, we will take more pictures tomorrow-just send in your $5.00. All pictures will go home next week. Thursday-FREE DRESS
over 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
Collaboration during plan times today.
over 5 years ago, Carriage Hills Elementary
Carriage Hills: Transportation Changes, bus 690 will be bus 694.
over 5 years ago, Karen Traylor
Carriage Hills: transportation changes, bus #694 will be bus # 691 and this will be double run.
over 5 years ago, Karen Traylor