Carriage Hills: We had a great night of parent-teacher conferences! If you haven’t scheduled a conference with your child’s teacher yet, please call our school office at (580-248-6161). Our next conferences will be held on Thursday, February 27th, from 4:00 to 7:00 PM.
We look forward to seeing you!

Carriage Hills: We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! Please note that our Black History Assembly has been rescheduled and will now take place next Friday, February 28, at 2:00 PM.
Also, Dr. Seuss Week is just around the corner! Check out the attached link for all the exciting details.

Carriage Hills: Reminder: All teachers have sent messages via the ROOMS app outlining expectations for the two virtual learning days.
Our Sneaker Dance has been rescheduled for February 13th during your child’s regular P.E./Music time. A concession stand will be available, offering ice cream and other treats—each item will be $1.
Class parties will also take place on the same day, making it a fun-filled celebration for all!
We look forward to seeing everyone back and feeling better on Monday!

#LawtonPS families: Click the link below for more information regarding PreK enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year.
#WeAreLPS #OklaEd

Carriage Hills:
Tomorrow, we will be celebrating the 100th Day of School and Global Day of Play! To add to the fun, our snack cart will feature Cotton Candy, along with all other items still priced at just $1.00 each.
Reminder for 4th & 5th Grade Parents:
Students in these grades will be traveling to Orchestra Rocks at EHS tomorrow. Please ensure they arrive on time and are prepared for this special event.
We look forward to a fantastic day of learning and play!

Carriage Hills: This week we will start our 12 days of Christmas and we will be taking Holiday Pictures on Friday. We hope everyone enjoyed your break!

Carriage Hills: We will be joining other LPS schools this week by celebrating Indigenous Education Spirit Week! See the attached flyer for details.

Carriage Hills Elementary Due to the potential for rain & thunderstorms on Saturday, April 20th, the Greater Lawton Rotary Club has made the difficult decision to CANCEL the Rotary Track Meet. We look forward to seeing you next year.

Carriage Hills Families! Here is the OSTP State testing schedule.

Assessment Schedue 2023-2024

Say “hello” to parent-teacher chat and classroom
announcements in the LPS app! With the addition of
Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. To learn more about Rooms, please visit https://www.lawtonps.org/page/rooms

2023 State Testing Schedule

There's still time for our #LawtonPS Kindergarten families to participate in the survey below. The survey should take around 5-10 minutes to complete.
You are being invited to participate in a study on parent perceptions regarding preschool education and whether or not parents chose to send their children to preschool on behalf of an SNU student.
The purpose of this study is to explore perceptions that parents have regarding preschool education and if they chose to send, or not send, their children to preschool based on those perceptions. Participants will be asked to share their perceptions regarding preschool education.

The nomination period for Champions for Children is now live! Visit the link below to learn more about the award process and fill out your nomination forms!

LPS Family: Just a friendly reminder of our COVID testing schedule if you are in need of a test.

In this issue of the Lawton Public Schools (LPS) ReView, we highlight our very own LPS Police Department and their efforts to promote consistently drug-free environments for our students, celebrate Hispanic Heritage, and congratulate student successes. Additionally, we wanted to put a spotlight on our teachers’ ongoing professional development, our TAP students, and our hardworking virtual staff. There is so much to unpack in this issue, and we hope you will take the time to really dive in to our latest publication of the ReView!
Visit this link to see the full publication, and be sure to use your left and right arrow keys to switch pages!

LPS Families: Just a friendly reminder that clear or mesh backpacks will be required for the 2021-2022 school year. This is for all LPS sites. Bags can be any color.

LPS Families: Just a friendly reminder that "Check-In" will take place this week at your student's school. Please click the link below for details. In addition, two forms (Electronic Agreement & Acceptable Use/Media Opt Out) have been added to the required forms list. For specific questions, you can reach out to your student's school.

Local author, Signe Rain Boutch, will be reading, speaking with children, and personalizing books at the Salt Cellar on Saturday, August 7th from 1 pm - 3 pm. The story, Josephine’s First Day of School, is for elementary students (both boys and girls) and is a perfect addition to any classroom or library.
The message of this story is to not judge a book by its cover and always be kind.
Check out this awesome opportunity!

Happy Friday LawtonPS Family: We are less than three weeks away from the start of the new school year. For the latest LPS info be sure to check out our Friday FYI's which include the latest edition of our Time with Hime podcast. Have a great weekend! https://www.lawtonps.org/article/497104