Carriage Hills


Our Mission at Carriage Hills is to Develop Leaders, One Child at a Time to motivate, inspire and challenge children to achieve excellence in learning and living by providing them with intelligent, honest and sincere guidance and instruction so that each child can acquire academic competency and self- knowledge.



Our Vision is for all students to have a safe and stimulating environment to build a foundation for lifelong learning.


About Us

Carriage Hills Elementary is located on the east side of Lawton and is minutes away from downtown Lawton. Our highly qualified teachers are an integral part of our students' academic and social growth. At Carriage Hills, we maintain high expectations for learning as we prepare today's learners to become successful career‐bound citizens of tomorrow. 


  • Our doors are open for all students at 8:00 am.

  • Extended Day hours are 7:05 am - 8:30 am in the morning and 4:00 - 5:30 pm in the afternoon.

  • Schools Starts at 8:30 am

  • Breakfast is served from 8:00 – 8:45 am School Dismisses at 3:45 pm

Kim Harrison

Kimberly Harrison

Carriage Hills Principal


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